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image from the exhibition breast cancer; © Katherina Mouratidi
breast cancer
Katherina Mouratidi

exhibition venue: City Art Gallery

In the United Kingdom every year 38 000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. ln Europe and in the USA every 9th woman is affected.

"Breast Cancer?! Artist is looking for affected women for photographic project".

All participants of the project were found through the placement of short advertisements in Berlin newspapers. They were not selected, but accepted in the order of their phone calls so as to give all women interested - independent of their age, their physical state or health - the possibility of collaboration.

Except for the setting, the women were given no preconditions or stipulations in the studio. Their only task was to pose as they wanted to present themselves in front of the camera and the public, and as they would like to be represented - as women affected by breast cancer - in our society.

Biography / curriculum vitae:
1993 - 1999 Study of Fine Arts at the Art College Berlin - Weißensee;
1999 - 2001 Postgraduate studies at the Art College Berlin - Weißensee.

Positions held:
artist and photographer

1999 City Hall Schöneberg, Berlin, Germany; Benjamin Franklin Clinical University, Berlin, Germany;
2000: La Casa Elizalde, Barcelona, Spain;
2001: Central Library, Mahón, Menorca, Spain; Dreikönigskirche, Dresden, Germany and touring in various other cities in Germany and abroad.; "Breast Cancer" (Semi-Nude Portraits) 2002: "Forum de l´Image" Musée de l´histoire de la médecine, Toulouse, France; "Primavera Fotográfica", La Capella de l ´ Antic Hospital de la Santa Cruz, Barcelona, Spain;
"Transphotographiques", Lille, France; Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, Germany

1997 DAAD/Erasmus scholarship, study residency at the University of Barcelona;
1999-2001 Study scholarship from the "Heinrich - Böll - Foundation";
2001 Diploma of Honour for the competition "Die 100 besten Plakate 2000" (the 100 best placards 2000) for the series "Breast Cancer - placards"; 2nd prize in the "German Study Prize" awarded by the "Koerber Foundation" for the complex "Breast Cancer";
2002 NaFöG - grant (working grant of the Berlin City Council) "...well, I don‘t think I lost my female identity." Breast Cancer - Portraits of affected women Exhibitions group:1997 Gallery la Santa, Barcelona, Spain "Photography";
1998 Science Center Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany; "Border Crossings: Impressions of Erasmus/Socrates Students"; 2001 Zentral- und Landesbibliothek, Berlin, Germany "The 100 best placards 2000" ("Die 100 besten Plakate 2000"); 2002: Museum for Arts and Trade, Hamburg, Germany "naked" ("nackt"); Galerie d´Art Du Conseil Général des Bouches - du - Rhone, Aix - en - Provence, France, "femme - femme"

Frankfurter Rundschau Magazin, ermany; die Tageszeitung, Germany;
Marie Claire, France;
Femina, Switzerland;
Camera Austria, Austria and various others.

Rosie Barnes
Jerry Berndt
David Brims
Tessa Bunney
Paul Cabuts
Michael Danner
Nathalie Daoust
KayLynn Deveney
Gilbert Garcin
Anne Kathrin Greiner
Su Grierson
Dave Heath
Observer Hodge
John Hodgett
Nicolai Howalt
Fiona Jackson-Downes
Lorenz Kienzle
Clive Landen
Lucy Levene
Pepe López
George Makkas
Edgar Martins
Lesley McIntyre
Rizwan Mirza
Ian Mitton
Katherina Mouratidi
Andy Moxon
Simon Norfolk
Jane Karup Pedersen
Julia Peirone
Wang Qingsong
Nicky Rojas
Johanna Rylander
Matthew Smith
Homer Sykes
Waltraut Tänzler
Annet van der Voort
Al Vandenberg
Joanna Vestey
Michael Walter
Manfred Wirtz
Alexander Yallop
Beth Yarnelle Edwards