October 12 to November 9 2002  

print auction
photo links exposure 2003

Digital Photography Masterclass

Saturday 26th October, 10am-5pm
Courtyard Arts Centre
Arts & Crafts Room

Ray Spence has had to withdraw from the workshop at short notice for family reasons.

He has been replaced by Barry Thornton, who, having been a fine black and white printer and tutor, has fully embraced digital printing and now regularly publishes articles on the subject in Ag magazine.

From scanning the originals to producing the final print, including the manipulation of the computer files and production through to the printers and inks.

This workshop is aimed at the advanced photographer who wants to understand all the variables. Barry will use examples of his work and give the opportunity to discuss your own image development in the digital media.

(Note: This Masterclass will have a strictly limited number).

Book your place now

hereford photography festival