HPF Fringe
Hereford Photography Festival are pleased to support the HPF Fringe, this year the Fringe is showing over 20 artists at 14 venues in Herefordshire, Hay-on-Wye and Worcestershie
View HPF Fringe in a larger map
Worcester Street Photography
Worcester Arts Workshop
This exhibition is the successful result of the Worcester Street Photography festival, which happened in July 2011. It sprung up as an attempt to create interest within the Worcester community in the range of street photography. Regarding the images will take you to trace different approaches to subjects in the everyday scene. Above all, they share a main aim: to call up feelings into the onlooker. Raise a smile... evoke memories... in short, to make an impact on their visual memory.
We feel very proud of being part of the Hereford Photography Festival 2011 and wish you enjoy your journey through it.

The Addyman Annex
Photo journalist and speaker at the Crunch 2011 Festival in Hay on Wye, Dixie's photographs at the Addyman Annex show the consecration of a new Stupa outside Hay, by Tibetan Buddhist monks and Lamas in September this year at the New Inn KARMA DECHEN CHOLING

Phil Lister
Frame Up
Mon-Fri 9am-5:00pm; Sat 9am-12.00pm;
I always have a camera with me - smartphone, small top-range compact, or DSLR. Consequently in day-to-day life I’m usually ready when an interesting photo opportunity presents itself. Or sometimes I go looking for one.
photo: Naval flag in window Dartmouth UK

Jaskirt Dhaliwal
photo: Steph Samuels, Birmingham City Ladies FC
Sam Mellish
Andy's Kitchen
A photographical observation of traditional roadside services, imitating an American-styled road trip, while the quirky personality of the images gives the body a quintessentially British feel. Finding a unique charm amongst the drudgery of getting from A to B, I ventured along numerous UK trunk roads to capture icons familiar to most.
photo: Roadside Britain: On the road

Jake Burge
The Coffee Cup
Mon-Fri 7.30am - 5pm, Sat - 8.30 am - 2.00pm;
photo: Manchester

Ross Photographic Society
8:30am - 5:30pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am - 4:00pm on Saturday
Photo: Martyn Duggan

Hereford cattle
Hopes of Longtown
Hopes of Longtown service a rural farming community in the Golden vallery close to the Welsh boarder. This exhibition of work by Steve Brown from the Hereford Cattle commission exhibition at Hereford cathedral in 2010 is part of HPF's touring program, bringing photography to rural communities and businesses.
The elegantly curving roof of Hopes of Longtown conceals a truly diverse mix of stock at this popular village amenity. Mundane, but eminently necessary items such as lavatory paper, newspapers and magazines, bread and milk rub shoulders with an extensive range of organic produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese, meat, spices and chocolate. Gluten, wheat and dairy free products are available. Just in case you overspend, cash is available from the Post Office including flowers delivered anywhere in the country, an E111, a personal loan, car insurance and many more services offered by the Post Office are available.
Shop Opening Times:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 8.30 am to 5.30 pm
Thursday: 8.30 am to 8.00 pm
Saturday: 8.30 am to 4.00 pm

Carl Hulme
Pizza Express
Mon-Fri 9am-5:00pm; Sat 9am-12.00pm;
I always have a camera with me - smartphone, small top-range compact, or DSLR. Consequently in day-to-day life I’m usually ready when an interesting photo opportunity presents itself. Or sometimes I go looking for one.

Tory Smith/LIP
Paused is a photographic series that focuses on the body through a dreamlike state. Tory challenges the preconceived notions of intimacy and traditional portraiture by focusing on the body through shape & form to generate a collective identity of the artist’s memories, adolescence and journey.

Ross Gazette Young People's Competition
Ross Visitors Centre
Market House Visitor Centre
Market Place
The Hereford PHotography Festival worked with the Ross Gazette to organise a competion of readers photographs.

Pete Elliot
Mon-Thu 10am-11pm; Fri-Sat 10am-11:30pm; Sun Closed
Life Through A New Lens
Every photograph means something to the person who took it but for me it has to stand alone too - as being worthy of wall space. A brush with death made me re-consider my life. Three years travel then broadened it and travel photography became my passion. I was looking at life through a new lens! This Exhibition will continue at Gilbies until mid December.